Reverse Villain
Reverse Villain
Jung-woo is stuck in a reincarnation cycle along with his nemesis, Shin-Ryong. Ever since he was little, he had a dream. He wanted to become strong enough to conquer Murim. However, things did not always go the way he planned. Shin-Ryong defeated him on every occasion. At this point, Ha Jung-woo had been reincarnated 5 times and was defeated yet again. When he is reincarnated for the sixth time, he is born into the modern world. Being born into a new world changes Jung-woo's goal, as Murim is gone. Yet he continues training in order to defeat Shin-Ryong. Ultimately, he prioritizes the goal of becoming stronger to defeat Shin-Ryong, while trying to adapt to this modern world where he has a family and goes to a school like a normal person. Italiano Jung-woo è bloccato in un ciclo di reincarnazione insieme alla sua nemesi, Shin-Ryong. E ha da sempre un sogno. Diventare abbastanza forte da conquistare Murim. Tuttavia, le cose non sono sempre andate come previsto. Shin-Ryong lo ha sconfitto in ogni occasione. A questo punto, Ha Jung-woo si era reincarnato 5 volte ed è stato sconfitto ancora una volta. Quando si reincarna per la sesta volta, nasce nel mondo moderno. Essere nati in un nuovo mondo cambia l'obiettivo di Jung-woo, poiché il Murim non c'è più. Eppure continua ad allenarsi per sconfiggere Shin-Ryong. Alla fine, ha l'obiettivo di diventare più forte per sconfiggere Shin-Ryong, mentre cerca di adattarsi a questo mondo moderno dove ha una famiglia e va in una scuola come una persona "normale". Russian / Русский SpoilerЧжун Ву не впервой перерождаться. В прошлом он уже не единожды пытался завоевать Мурим, но из-за Шин Рюна, перерождающегося всё это время вместе с ним, ему так ни разу это и не удалось. В конце концов, после очередной, пятой по счёту, неудачной попытки он перерождается в наше время, и это кардинально меняет взгляды Чжун Ву на мир, заставляя пересмотреть свои стремления и мечты. Он жаждет битв с могущественными врагами, но для большинства он слишком силён. Это история о взаимоотношениях, продолжающихся на протяжении нескольких жизней, и о том, как герою удаётся вырваться из порочного круга и найти новый путь.
Episodi 18
Dec 28, 2021
Ranobe No Hen!
Ranobe No Hen!
Sugano Ikkei is a typical teenager at his high school and lives with his older brother Hyakkei who is an editor at a publishing company. Hyakkei is in charge of several artists and writers and his job is to support them in anyway possible. However, he broke his leg and is unable to leave the hospital for a week and he has a very important meeting with a very shy writer named Tokito Aona which has taken months to get a face to face meeting. As they look really alike, he asks Ikkei to dress up as him and go as Hyakkei. The meeting goes well without her knowing the truth, but Ikkei is forced to go to another meeting with Fujimaki Misuzu, an artist moving to Tokyo in order to continue working. To his surprise, both girls, Tokito and Fujimaki, are in the same class as he. Now he has to juggle being Hyakkei as an editor to the two girls as well as be their classmates as Ikkei, and do all this without letting out the secret that he is the same person. from MU Português Sugano Ikkei é um típico adolescente que mora com seu irmão mais velho Hyakkei, ele trabalha como editor. Hyakkei trabalha com vários artistas e escritores e sempre apóia eles de qualquer maneira possível. No entanto ele acaba quebrando a perna e não pode sair do hospital por uma semana e ele tem que conseguir um encontro cara a cara com a certa autora. Como os irmãos são parecidos, pede para que Ikkei se vista como ele e ir para o encontro. O encontro vai bem sem ela saber de verdade, mas Ikkei é forçado a ir para outra reunião com Fujimaki Misuzu, uma artista que acaba de se mudar para Tóquio a fim de continuar o trabalho. Para a sua surpresa. as duas meninas, Tokito e Fujimaki, estão na mesma sala que ele. Agora ele tem que disfarçar como editor para as duas meninas e ainda por serem suas colegas, ele fara de tudo para manter o segredo, estudante para editor e editor para estudante. =/
Ch. 11
Dec 30, 2020