News Detective Conan: The Darkest Nightmare Manga Approaches Climax
Manga adaptation of 20th film in series launched on May 25

The December issue of Shogakukan's Shōnen Sunday S magazine revealed on Wednesday that Yutaka Abe and Jirō Maruden's manga adaptation of the Detective Conan: The Darkest Nightmare anime film is approaching its climax.

Abe and Maruden launched the manga in Shōnen Sunday S on May 25, after concluding their adaptation of the Detective Conan: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital film on April 27. Both manga are based on films that are themselves based on Gosho Aoyama's Detective Conan (Case Closed) manga.

The original Detective Conan manga has been running since 1996 and has spawned an ongoing anime series. The 21st film in the series, Meitantei Conan Kara Kurenai no Love Letter (Detective Conan: Crimson Love Letter), opened in April, earning the highest opening weekend record for the franchise. Aoyama's various manga series have a combined 200 million copies in print worldwide.

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