Reverse Villain
Reverse Villain
Jung-woo is stuck in a reincarnation cycle along with his nemesis, Shin-Ryong. Ever since he was little, he had a dream. He wanted to become strong enough to conquer Murim. However, things did not always go the way he planned. Shin-Ryong defeated him on every occasion. At this point, Ha Jung-woo had been reincarnated 5 times and was defeated yet again. When he is reincarnated for the sixth time, he is born into the modern world. Being born into a new world changes Jung-woo's goal, as Murim is gone. Yet he continues training in order to defeat Shin-Ryong. Ultimately, he prioritizes the goal of becoming stronger to defeat Shin-Ryong, while trying to adapt to this modern world where he has a family and goes to a school like a normal person. Italiano Jung-woo è bloccato in un ciclo di reincarnazione insieme alla sua nemesi, Shin-Ryong. E ha da sempre un sogno. Diventare abbastanza forte da conquistare Murim. Tuttavia, le cose non sono sempre andate come previsto. Shin-Ryong lo ha sconfitto in ogni occasione. A questo punto, Ha Jung-woo si era reincarnato 5 volte ed è stato sconfitto ancora una volta. Quando si reincarna per la sesta volta, nasce nel mondo moderno. Essere nati in un nuovo mondo cambia l'obiettivo di Jung-woo, poiché il Murim non c'è più. Eppure continua ad allenarsi per sconfiggere Shin-Ryong. Alla fine, ha l'obiettivo di diventare più forte per sconfiggere Shin-Ryong, mentre cerca di adattarsi a questo mondo moderno dove ha una famiglia e va in una scuola come una persona "normale". Russian / Русский SpoilerЧжун Ву не впервой перерождаться. В прошлом он уже не единожды пытался завоевать Мурим, но из-за Шин Рюна, перерождающегося всё это время вместе с ним, ему так ни разу это и не удалось. В конце концов, после очередной, пятой по счёту, неудачной попытки он перерождается в наше время, и это кардинально меняет взгляды Чжун Ву на мир, заставляя пересмотреть свои стремления и мечты. Он жаждет битв с могущественными врагами, но для большинства он слишком силён. Это история о взаимоотношениях, продолжающихся на протяжении нескольких жизней, и о том, как герою удаётся вырваться из порочного круга и найти новый путь.
Episodi 18
Dec 28, 2021
Master Villainess The Invincible!
Master Villainess The Invincible!
Episodi 20
Feb 25, 2023