The Savior's Book Café In Another World
The Savior's Book Café In Another World
Tsukina is summoned to another world and is told by a talking orb who introduces itself as a god that she is to be the savior of another world and that she is to balance it with her high magical power, whatever that means. Being already in her thirties, she refuses at first and tells the orb to leave it to those that are younger. Though there are already others that have been summoned to that world, it insists that she go, telling her that it'll grant her any wish in return. In response, she asks to have the strongest protection magic and requests for a function that allows her to summon any item as long as she googles for it. Thus begins her leisurely life in another world as she sets up a quiet and remote book café. Italiano SpoilerTsukina viene convocata in un altro mondo e le viene detto da una sfera parlante che si presenta come un dio che deve essere la salvatrice di un altro mondo e che deve bilanciarlo con il suo alto potere magico, qualunque cosa questo significhi. Essendo già trentenne, all'inizio rifiuta e dice alla sfera di lasciarla ai più giovani. Anche se ce ne sono già altri che sono stati convocati in quel mondo, insiste che lei se ne vada, dicendole che in cambio esaudirà ogni suo desiderio. In risposta, chiede di avere la magia di protezione più forte e chiede una funzione che le permetta di evocare qualsiasi oggetto, purché lo cerchi su Google. Inizia così la sua vita tranquilla in un altro mondo, mentre allestisce un tranquillo e remoto caffè del libro.
Episodi 21
Jun 16, 2023
The Live
The Live
After losing his wife and daughter in a horrific accident, Yun-Jae finds himself stuck in his routine until he receives a diary from his future self. “I can see… my wife and daughter again?” Through winning the “games” in the “parallel world,” one will receive a “prize,” and using this, he could revive his dead family… but out of all the survivors of this cruel world, Yun-Jae is the only one with the knowledge of the future. Will he be able to turn his greatest wish into reality? Russian / Русский SpoilerЮн Чжэ потерял свою жену и дочь в результате несчастного случая. Лишившись смысла жизни, он прожигает её напрасно. Единственным, что осталось в память о покойной супруги, был дневник, который, может и пригодиться в будущем. Есть ли вероятность того, что... Ему удастся встретиться со своей семьёй ещё раз? "Святой грааль" - главная награда игрока, который смог пройти "игру" и занять первое место. Если Юн Чжэ сумеет заполучить его, то его семья снова будет с ним. Однако, в жестоком мире, где правит лишь сила, главному герою придётся преодолеть не мало препятствий, чтобы достичь желаемого. Сможет ли Юн Чжэ стать сильнейшим игроком?
Vol. 1 Ch. 22 I doni del Monarca
Mar 08, 2021
The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass
The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass
With the marriage of her prostitute mother to the Count, Aria’s status in society skyrocketed immediately. After leading a life of luxury, Aria unfairly meets death because of her sister Mielle’s schemes. And right before she dies, she sees an hourglass fall as if it were a fantasy. And just like that, she was miraculously brought back to the past. “I want to become a very elegant person, just like my sister, Mielle.” In order to face the villainess, she must become an even more wicked villainess. This was the new path Aria chose to take revenge on Mielle who murdered both her and her mother. Russian / Русский: SpoilerСоциальный статус Арии круто изменился после свадьбы её матери-проститутки и графа. Начав жить в роскоши, девочка встретила несправедливую смерть из-за коварного плана сводной младшей сестры. Накануне смерти, словно иллюзия, упавшие песочные часы, как чудо посреди весны, вернули её в прошлое! "Я хочу стать такой же утончённой, как моя сестрёнка Миэлли". Для того чтобы повергнуть злодейку, нужно стать злодейкой, превосходящей её. Для безукоризненной мести сестре за убийство себя и своей матери Ария решает начать жить с чистого листа.
Ch. 0
Mar 14, 2021