Code Geass
Code Geass
Lelouch Vi Britannia è un principe, 17esimo in ordine di successione al trono di Britannia, ma un brutto giorno un gruppo di terroristi uccidono la madre, l'Imperatrice Marianne e, come conseguenza di quell'evento, la sorella diventa cieca e paralizzata. Davanti all'insensibilità del padre il giovane Lelouch decide di abdicare dal suo titolo di principe e l'Imperatore decide di sfruttarlo come merce diplomatica e lo manda in ostaggio in Giappone. Lì il giovane Lelouch incontra insieme alla sorella piccoli momenti di felicità e conosce il suo primo vero amico, Suzaku. Ma questi giorni finiscono perché la Britannia dichiara guerra al Giappone annettendolo. Costretti a fuggire e davanti a una vita nuovamente rovinata, il giovane Lelouch medita vendetta contro l'impero del padre e contro il mondo. Egli ha due desideri: vendicare la morte della madre e costruire un mondo dove la propria sorellina possa vivere felice. Sette anni dopo, a Tokyo, durante uno scontro tra terroristi giapponesi ed esercito britannico, il giovane Lelouch libera una misteriosa ragazza di nome C.C. che gli dona il "potere del Re", un potere capace di sottomettere la volontà altrui con il solo contatto visivo. Grazie a questo potere Lelouch si muove alla distruzione della Britannia sfruttando la disperazione dei giapponesi, privi di ogni libertà, e un nome fittizio: egli sarà Zero, paladino della giustizia, colui che ricostruirà il mondo, appunto, da zero. C.C. avverte Lelouch sulla strada che ha intrapreso: "vivrai in maniera differente dagli altri esseri umani [...] il potere del Re ti renderà solitario". E sarà questa la fine del giovane Lelouch, che riuscirà comunque a realizzare i suoi desideri.
31: Il santuario Kururugi
Mar 27, 2015
The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass
The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass
With the marriage of her prostitute mother to the Count, Aria’s status in society skyrocketed immediately. After leading a life of luxury, Aria unfairly meets death because of her sister Mielle’s schemes. And right before she dies, she sees an hourglass fall as if it were a fantasy. And just like that, she was miraculously brought back to the past. “I want to become a very elegant person, just like my sister, Mielle.” In order to face the villainess, she must become an even more wicked villainess. This was the new path Aria chose to take revenge on Mielle who murdered both her and her mother. Russian / Русский: SpoilerСоциальный статус Арии круто изменился после свадьбы её матери-проститутки и графа. Начав жить в роскоши, девочка встретила несправедливую смерть из-за коварного плана сводной младшей сестры. Накануне смерти, словно иллюзия, упавшие песочные часы, как чудо посреди весны, вернули её в прошлое! "Я хочу стать такой же утончённой, как моя сестрёнка Миэлли". Для того чтобы повергнуть злодейку, нужно стать злодейкой, превосходящей её. Для безукоризненной мести сестре за убийство себя и своей матери Ария решает начать жить с чистого листа.
Ch. 0
Mar 14, 2021
God Of Martial Arts
God Of Martial Arts
English In this world, respect is earned with martial arts. Weak martial artists have strengths of tens of thousands of pounds, capable of cracking boulders. And the strong ones can cut off rivers and split mountains. There are even martial kings who know everything and can travel across the universe. Martial art decides your fate as well as your life and death. The weak is humiliated while the strong looks down on the world. This is a a world where the strong bullies the weak. People's statuses are decided by the levels of their cultivation of martial arts. Each faction fights for the title of "The Strongest". Only the strong ones have the right to survive. Even if you are from the same clan or faction, if you are weak, then you will be bullied and kicked out without mercy. After a car accident, Lin Feng crosses over to this new world into the body of a young master from the powerful Lin Family. Will Lin Feng be used by others again or will he forge his own path in this place where, regardless of your family ties or sect, only the strong have the right to live. French / Français SpoilerDans ce monde, le respect se gagne avec les arts martiaux. Les artistes martiaux faibles ont des forces de dizaines de milliers de pounds, capables de craquer des blocs rocheux. Et les plus forts peuvent couper les rivières et creuser des montagnes. Il y a même des rois martiaux qui savent tout et peuvent voyager à travers l'univers. L'art martial décide de votre destin ainsi que de votre vie et de votre mort. Les faibles sont humiliés tandis que les forts méprisent tout le monde. C'est un monde où les forts intimident les faibles. Les statuts des gens sont déterminés par les niveaux de culture des arts martiaux. Chaque faction se bat pour le titre du "plus fort". Seuls les forts ont le droit de survivre. Même si vous appartenez au même clan ou à la même faction, si vous êtes faible, alors vous serez persécuté et expulsé sans pitié.
Vol. 1 Ch. 31 Lin Feng, bastardo
Mar 16, 2021
My Lover Was Stolen, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero’s Party, But I Awakened To The EX Skill “Fixed Damage” And Became Invincible. Now, Let’s Begin Some Revenge
My Lover Was Stolen, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero’s Party, But I Awakened To The EX Skill “Fixed Damage” And Became Invincible. Now, Let’s Begin Some Revenge
Chrome was a magician in the hero’s party. He fought the Demon Lord’s army alongside people like Irina, the lover who vowed to marry him in the future, and the hero, Yuno, who was his close friend. They were all close companions. However, that was only in Chrome’s mind. His lover, Irina, became intimate with the hero, Yuno, and Chrome was sacrificed to make the hero stronger. Chrome’s magic powers were snatched away and he was kicked out of the party. Demons surrounded him as he was on the verge of death and he was driven to a corner. At that moment, Chrome awakened to a “darkness” within himself. Amidst his despair, he acquired an unrivaled skill. Now with this skill, he could exact revenge. Portuguese / Português SpoilerChrome era um mago do (grupo do herói). Ele lutou contra o exército do Lorde Demônio ao lado de Irina, a namorada que jurou se casar com ele no futuro; e Yuno, o herói, que era seu melhor amigo. Eles eram muito próximos. Pelo menos, era isso que o Chrome tinha em mente. Sua namorada, Irina, começou a se aproximar cada vez mais de Yuno. e depois Chrome foi sacrificado para dar a Yuno seu poder e torná-lo mais forte. Como resultado, os poderes mágicos do Chrome foram retirados dele e ele foi expulso da equipe. Os demônios, que o encontraram à beira da morte, o levaram para um canto. Naquele momento, o Chrome ressurgiu com uma “escuridão” dentro de si. Em meio ao desespero, ele adquiriu uma habilidade "incomparável". Agora, com esse poder, ele poderia se vingar.
Vol. 1 Ch. 3.1
Jan 31, 2021