The Live
The Live
After losing his wife and daughter in a horrific accident, Yun-Jae finds himself stuck in his routine until he receives a diary from his future self. “I can see… my wife and daughter again?” Through winning the “games” in the “parallel world,” one will receive a “prize,” and using this, he could revive his dead family… but out of all the survivors of this cruel world, Yun-Jae is the only one with the knowledge of the future. Will he be able to turn his greatest wish into reality? Russian / Русский SpoilerЮн Чжэ потерял свою жену и дочь в результате несчастного случая. Лишившись смысла жизни, он прожигает её напрасно. Единственным, что осталось в память о покойной супруги, был дневник, который, может и пригодиться в будущем. Есть ли вероятность того, что... Ему удастся встретиться со своей семьёй ещё раз? "Святой грааль" - главная награда игрока, который смог пройти "игру" и занять первое место. Если Юн Чжэ сумеет заполучить его, то его семья снова будет с ним. Однако, в жестоком мире, где правит лишь сила, главному герою придётся преодолеть не мало препятствий, чтобы достичь желаемого. Сможет ли Юн Чжэ стать сильнейшим игроком?
Vol. 1 Ch. 22 I doni del Monarca
Mar 08, 2021
My Lover Was Stolen, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero’s Party, But I Awakened To The EX Skill “Fixed Damage” And Became Invincible. Now, Let’s Begin Some Revenge
My Lover Was Stolen, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero’s Party, But I Awakened To The EX Skill “Fixed Damage” And Became Invincible. Now, Let’s Begin Some Revenge
Chrome was a magician in the hero’s party. He fought the Demon Lord’s army alongside people like Irina, the lover who vowed to marry him in the future, and the hero, Yuno, who was his close friend. They were all close companions. However, that was only in Chrome’s mind. His lover, Irina, became intimate with the hero, Yuno, and Chrome was sacrificed to make the hero stronger. Chrome’s magic powers were snatched away and he was kicked out of the party. Demons surrounded him as he was on the verge of death and he was driven to a corner. At that moment, Chrome awakened to a “darkness” within himself. Amidst his despair, he acquired an unrivaled skill. Now with this skill, he could exact revenge. Portuguese / Português SpoilerChrome era um mago do (grupo do herói). Ele lutou contra o exército do Lorde Demônio ao lado de Irina, a namorada que jurou se casar com ele no futuro; e Yuno, o herói, que era seu melhor amigo. Eles eram muito próximos. Pelo menos, era isso que o Chrome tinha em mente. Sua namorada, Irina, começou a se aproximar cada vez mais de Yuno. e depois Chrome foi sacrificado para dar a Yuno seu poder e torná-lo mais forte. Como resultado, os poderes mágicos do Chrome foram retirados dele e ele foi expulso da equipe. Os demônios, que o encontraram à beira da morte, o levaram para um canto. Naquele momento, o Chrome ressurgiu com uma “escuridão” dentro de si. Em meio ao desespero, ele adquiriu uma habilidade "incomparável". Agora, com esse poder, ele poderia se vingar.
Vol. 1 Ch. 3.1
Jan 31, 2021
Why The King Needs A Secretary
Why The King Needs A Secretary
Celestia lives in the back alley of Golddina and has a skill that can dispel magic. She thinks that her skill is useless and supports her talented friend Serengevan instead. “Get that crazy bit*h out!” But he betrayed her and sold her as a s*ave even though they promised to get married. In her inescapable despair, a man who looked to be a nobleman appeared before Celestia and seeing his condition, Celestia proposes a deal to him. “I can heal the disease you are suffering from.” “...Where did you hear about me?” The man’s face was getting increasingly scary but Celestia wanted to live. She eventually got what she wanted, and arrives at a place which resembled the imperial palace. “In the future, call me ‘Your Majesty’.” “...Your Majesty?” “Of course, I’m the one and only Emperor of the Burg Empire, Van.” Surprisingly, the identity of the man is... The Emperor of the Burg Empire, known as the Red-Eyed Psychopath. Celestia became one of the emperor’s subjects. Can she survive safely? Russian / Русский: SpoilerСелестия живёт на заднем дворе Голддины и имеет способность, отменяющюю магию. Она считает свою способность бесполезной и своего талантливого друга Серенгебана. "Избавьтесь от этой поехавшей!" Но он предал её и продал в рабство, несмотря на обещание брака. Внезапно перед ней появился благородно выглядящий мужчина, и, увидев его состояние, Селестия предложила ему сделку. "Я могу излечить то, от чего Вы так страдаете". "Откуда тебе об этом известно?" Лицо мужчины становилось всё злее, но Селестия хотела жить. В итоге она добивается своего и оказывается во дворце, похожим на имперский дворец. "В дальнейшем обращайся ко мне "Ваше Величество". "……Ваше Величество?" "Разумеется. Я - единственный Император Бургской Империи, Ван!" Оказалось, что этот человек... Правитель Бургской Империи, известный, как Красноглазый Психопат! Селестия стала одной из его подданных, Сможет ли она теперь выжить?
Ch. 1
Feb 27, 2021